Saturday 4 October 2014

One setting in the play that made me uneasy.

One scene that I found very uncomfortable was when Macbeth was about to kill King Duncan. I was scared that King Duncan might suddenly wake up to see Macbeth about to kill him. I really felt worried for Macbeth and I was scared about  what would happen to him. I felt very uncomfortable when Macbeth had second thoughts about killing the King. Because the more he hesitated the greater the chance Duncan might wake up. King Duncan could of woke up and called for help. Then everyone would know about Macbeth's attempt to kill Duncan. Since I don't know anything about the play, I thought Macbeth might spend the rest of the play in death row. This was the only scene that made me feel uncomfortable, then rest of the play was fine for me.

Macbeth about to kill King Duncan. 

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