Saturday, 4 October 2014

Lady Macbeth versus Macbeth.

Between these two characters I believe Macbeth was a stronger and more relate able character compared to Lady Macbeth. Macbeth was very uncertain about killing King Duncan. If I were Macbeth I would of done the exactly same thing he did. I would of been uncertain at first and then I would slowly give into the idea. As I find myself easy persuaded by people sometimes. I believe Macbeth thinks more like a regular person compared to his wife.
Macbeth about to kill King Duncan.

As Lady Macbeth has the ambition of a king, which most people don't have. She had the spirit of a man, but she was in the body of a woman. Lady Macbeth was really persuasive (unlike me) and was able to force her husband into kill the king. Later she is so ridden with so much guilt that she commits suicide.
A post that really describes Macbeth.

However her husband stayed alive and chose to fight till the very end.  Macbeth never thought of suicide at all and died a great warrior. Which I think is very admirable and courageous of him. This is why I believe Macbeth was a better character and more relate able than Lady Macbeth.

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