Saturday, 4 October 2014

How destiny played a role within the play.

Destiny/fate played a huge role in Macbeth and is one of the main themes. When Macbeth met the three witches, they told him about his destiny. After Macbeth is told this, he is convinced he must do whatever is possible to become King. If the witches did not tell Macbeth this, then I believe he would of never killed King Duncan. So Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both conspire to murder King Duncan. However I think in the back of their heads they knew they had to do this. Since I believe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both thought this was the will of God or something similar. 

                                       Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches who will help change their futures.   

Destiny also played a part in Macbeth's downfall. As Macbeth was told by the witches a man born from a woman cannot harm him. So Macbeth knew someone who wasn't born from a woman could kill him. When Macduff told the King he wasn't born from his mother, but instead was cut out of her. Macduff must of knew he had to die from Macduff's hand and he subconsciously allowed Macduff to kill him. As Macbeth might of believed that was his destiny. I really believe the entire play was driven by fate/destiny. Without this concept, the play wouldn't exist.

Macduff and fighting Macbeth to the death. 

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